Dinosaur Dog: Bud tucker in double trouble

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bud tucker in double trouble

Recently I have heard a lot of good tunes from Dubbel Dutch:
 the first big slap in the face was his huge remix of Ciara's Deuces on Brodinsky's best of everything.
And in the past few days he uploaded a lot more including this terrific remix:

His new EP is out now on Dutty Artz and he is on tour in Europe.

We asked him a few question and he kindly accepted to answer them:

First music that you can remember of?
Probably Sesame Street. But Jim Henson did a rad series called ‘The Ghost of Faffner Hall’ that was like a really kind of creepy music themed show with ghost puppets.

Favorite TV show soundtrack?
Duck Tales

Lego, Playmobil or GI joe? 

Why Texas? 
It’s sooo cheap, the weather is mostly amazing, Lance Armstrong lives here, and I don’t have to worry about flight or hotel to SXSW festival each year.
Star wars or Lord of the Ring?
Star Wars

Best dead artist (any medium)?
DJ Funeral

Best death?
Ritual Sacrifice
Best living artist?
Dubbel Dutch

Your mum's favorite record?
Throwback EP
Your dad's favorite record?
Billy Joel - The Stranger

Labrador or Pyrenean Shepperd?
Labrador but only in puppy form.

What is the best dinosaur ever?
Quetzalcoatlus - huge pterodactyl first found in Texas named after the Aztec God.

What dog would you have?
Chihuahua X Great Dane - But it would be impossible for the Chihuahua to give birth to such a large offspring so it’s unfortunately not possible.


  1. I disagree with you on the infeasibility of crossing a Chihuahua and a Great Dane - a female Great Dane could surely be inseminated with some Chihuahua's sperm.

    However according to this source, the offspring would grow up with lots of hereditary problems: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080409125836AAaOWMa

    To conclude, I agree that having a X Chihuahua/ Great Dane isn't actually possible, although it is feasible in theory. However, the reasons underpinning this impossibility do not lie in the Chihuahua's small hip width compared to the Great Dane's, but in moral reasons that prevent all responsible breeders from creating an unhealthy cross - and all true animal lovers from seeking one.

  2. LOL thank u for the analysis yeah I had a feeling it might be possible but wrong for some reason.

  3. yeah i thought about that too...
