Dinosaur Dog: A Brief introduction

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Brief introduction

Why a blog? Sure we want to share music, and have a place where we can put all the music, movies, artworks we like. But does not everybody has a blog. (rather: can not anyone just make a blog?) What is the reason of it, there are already so many blogs that are representing all the things we like: High maintenance in Toulouse, Top Billin, Asian Dan, Discobelle. What can we add to that?

One year ago, I had not been more than once on a blog, and every time that a journalist talked about the alleged power of the blogosphere I remained puzzled. People around me did not have a blog, my music came mainly from Cds, spotify, friends, magazines, and radio shows.
Then I started to get involved in it, and as I started to Dj, I became interested in blogs first and foremost for their free content.

Then I realised the activity and the power of those, and it broadened my musical horizon. We just want to share and to create our space, because we are persuaded that what we like is cool.

Who are we and what are we going to talk about then? I will speak for myself:

I always wanted to be cool so:
As every child i listened to my parents' music.
Jean Jacques Goldman - Rouge

As every child who wants to be integrated, I Listened to Rap Music in my childhood.

just like everyone who wants to be integrated but to break away from the mainstream, I listened to Reggae, rock and Ska music during my early teenage years, And i renounced to rap music.
    (I am still amazed by the quality of the special effects in thoses videos)

just like everyone who wants to be integrated, to break away from the mainstream and to keep some realness , I renounced to reggae, went back to rap music.

just like everyone who realises that he loves music, I tried to go beyond social cleavages created by music( just to realise that was really hobo of me)
Now I'm all about electronic music, especially disco and tropical. This is Basically what you're gonna hear the most here.

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